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Dear Visitors,

Sushi Place

Sushi Place is designed to be a gem of a city. We want to give real value and experiences to our customers. Each of our sushi dishes is made by careful, expert hands and we pay special attention to the harmony of flavors.

'We strive to make each bowl as beautiful as it is in our pictures!'

The two most important characteristics of our business are quality and freshness, to which we place great emphasis.

Most of the exclusively quality ingredients come from Japan, others are locally sourced premium quality ingredients. All our products are made on the day of the order, so they are guaranteed to be fresh.

„Életemben először Párizsban ettem sushit. Kezdetben idegenek voltak az új ízek, a kultúra, de mind az étel, mind a hely, idővel a rabjává tett. 

Moving to the Caribbean, I learned the true art of making sushi and was enriched with unfamiliar recipes, flavors, experiences. Returning home, I decided that I would like to present this special dish to the Hungarian people as well. In our current store, I would most like to embody Caribbean sushi, the flavors and creativity there.

Jelenleg két városban, Nyíregyházán és Debrecenben üzemelünk. Azonban reméljük hamarosan további városokban is találkozhatunk! „

Péter Tóth
Owner - The dreamer of Sushi Place

Tóth Péter Sushi Place


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